Mom's House of Lancaster
Contact Us
415 South Queen St., PO Box 787, Lancaster, PA 17608-0787
Phone: 717-396-9130
Fax: 717-396-8695
Mom’s House is a nonresidential program and is not an emergency shelter. If you are in need of immediate assistance, please contact one of the following agencies listed below:
- Water Street Ministries: 717-393-7709
- Domestic Violence Services of Lancaster County: 717-299-1249
- YWCA: 717-393-1735
- TLC (Transitional Living Center):717-397-0156
- CHOC (Community Homeless Outreach Center): 717-358-2070
- Winter Emergency Shelter (December-March): 717-291-546
- United Way: 2-1-1