Long Term Investments
Stock Donations
Mom’s House of Lancaster is now accepting donations of stock. Donors with portfolios of appreciated stock can enjoy favorable tax treatment by donating stock to charity. If you have shares of stock that you would like to donate, please contact us.
Consult your tax professional for more details on whether a stock donation makes sense for you.
Charitable Distributions
Are you over 70½ and want options for what to do with your required minimum distribution from retirement plan? Consider making a qualified charitable distribution to Mom’s House of Lancaster! A qualified charitable distribution can satisfy all or part the amount of your required minimum distribution, and generally the distribution is then not taxable to you.
Consult your tax professional for more details on if this excellent giving opportunity makes sense for you.
Estate Planning
Who is beneficiary of your estate? Make sure your assets are used to support your principles. Please consider an estate gift to Mom’s House in your will or living trust, or consider naming us as one of your annuity, insurance, retirement plan, or other accounts.
For further information, contact Sara Johns at 717-207-9706.
Volunteer With Us
Mom’s House always has opportunities for volunteers. In the classroom, helping with repairs, or fundraising – many volunteer with us for many different reasons, but one thing that our volunteers tell us is that volunteering with Mom’s House is enjoyable, rewarding, challenging and varied.
Volunteer Saturday
Don’t have time during the week?
Join us for a newest volunteer opportunity “Volunteer Saturday” every 4th Saturday Mom’s House will open our doors from 8am-2pm to allow volunteers to come in and help on Saturdays!
Tasks will vary month email us at info@momshouselancaster.org to see what’s coming up this month!
Sign Up to Volunteer
Donate While You Shop
Amazon Smile
Select Mom’s House of Lancaster as charity choice with your Amazon Purchases: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/23-2469064 0.5% of your purchases will be donated to Mom’s House. Perfect timing for online holiday shopping!
Contact us at info@momshouselancaster.org for more information.
S.O.S. Program
Eat at the Park City Diner (Near Ollie’s; across from Park City Mall) OR the Knight and Day Diner (Lititz, PA) and tell them you would like to help out Mom’s House using their S.O.S “Share Our Success” Ongoing Donation Program when you pay your bill. Ten percent of your check will be donated to Mom’s House!
Contact Sara Johns at 717-207-9706 to get more information!
Redner’s Save-A-Tape Program
We are collecting your receipts when you use your Redner’s Rewards card at Redner’s Warehouse Markets because Redner’s will donate 1% of the total to Mom’s House!
Learn more at rednersmarkets.com.
Donate a Space or Supplies
Community Aid
Mom’s House is looking for businesses and organizations to place a community aid clothing bin on their property. These clean, regularly serviced collection bins help everyone in the community. Mom’s House will receive a donation for all items collected and the items will go to the Community Aid Thrift Store to be sold to the folks in the community. Neighbors helping Neighbors.
Contact Sara Johns at 717-207-9706 to get more information and sign up!
Needs List
Donating Needs List Items are a great way to help Mom’s House. These items are critical in providing our parents with the every day essentials so that they can focus solely on the well-being of their child. When you donate from our Needs List, you are helping single parents move towards financial independence.
Only new and unexpired items will be accepted for the health and safety of our families. Environmentally friendly products are appreciated You can also purchase items on our Amazon Wish List for an easy way to ensure we receive exactly what we need. Please be sure to include your name and contact information to acknowledge your donation.