Making A Difference
One Single Parent At A Time
Bachelors Degree
92 single parents have graduated with a Bachelors Degree since 1991. In the past year, 2018-2019, we have had 1 parent complete their journey to further education.
AA Degree or Vocational
202 single parents have graduated with an Associates Degree, or a form of Vocational School, since 1991. In the past year, 2018 to 2019, we have had 2 parents complete their journey to further their education.
High School Diploma or GED
64 single parents have graduated with a High School Diploma or GED, since 1991. In the past year, 2018 to 2019, we have had 1 parent complete a High School education.
Our Success Stories
Meet our 1st Grad of 2019-2020
Because of donors like you, Sabrina was able to achieve her educational goals, experience life, and parenting skills while also bonding with other single parents to become more self-sufficient! Thank you for changing this mother’s and her child’s future! Sabrina...
We often speak of how we are supporting children to meet their milestones and prepare them for Kindergarten or other learning opportunities in the future. We year after year see children who have touched our lives and forever leave a mark on Mom's House. Seeing them...
2017 Highlights
Lives touched by Mom’s House: 28 low-income single-parent families have used Mom’s House services. Enrollment at Mom’s House: 8 infants; 10 toddlers; 14 preschoolers. Wait List: 34 new applications where received; 19 went on our waiting list. Education: Apprx 75-80% of parents pursued a 2-year degree in the medical field. Volunteer Hours: 2,000+ hours were logged by volunteers for the childcare center, parent program fundraising, facility maintenance and administrative duties.
Single Mother of Four
Mom's House gave me my dignity back! It was a long road, but Mom's House helped me and my children while I earned my education. My son was safe during the day at Mom's House. I was able to focus on my education and have a piece of mind to get a job in the field I...
HACC 2016 Grad and Mother of Three
The staff was always there to encourage me and lift me up when I needed it the most. I owe how far I have come, with not only my education, but with myself to Mom's House. Kelsey HACC 2016 Graduate and mother of three
Rachel – Student, Single Mother, Future Nurse
The very last thing I wanted to do was give up because it wasn't just about me, but about my daughter and her future too. Rachel Student, Single Mother, Future Nurse