Adopt-A-Mom is a program to help support Mom’s House with their goal of creating an environment where the community can help mothers first, gain a peaceful atmosphere and a safe place to drop their children then empower them in breaking the cycle of poverty through education and support resources. Adopt-A-Mom gives supporters the avenue in which they can provide support for the mom and baby.
Adopt-A-Mom provides the resources to meet the mom and baby’s needs such as diapers, clothing, quality care, programs such as counseling, stress management, parenting, life-skills, finance, resume building and much more. The resources for meals, transportation and mentoring for the mom and baby are also included.
Who Are You Helping?
The mothers you will be helping are women who are facing an unplanned pregnancy and are choosing life.
Women without an education, without a job, have very little money and little to no support system.
How Does It Work?
Our Adopt-A-Mom program is a sponsorship program. Your sponsorship will help Mom’s House support these women become better parents, professionals and community members. You can sponsor a mom and her baby with a gift of $25, $50, $100, $500 or any other amount that you are comfortable with. You may also donate to the Adopt-A-Mom program on an ongoing basis with a recurring donation. Please join us in this life-changing mission.
How Do I Benefit?
You get the opportunity to embrace the pro-life movement in a family-friendly atmosphere. Your adopted mother and baby become a focal point for individual or group prayer. You will benefit by knowing that you are making a difference in the lives of others.